27 2009-10-23 19:40:24
Topic: LeGrand AutoUpdate scanner (0 replies, posted in Tools)
System will help to update every clint to your's mu server client
In some situations, it is not possible to download the full client, but to make patches for every season, it is impossible. The system solves this situation;) Users will be able to update all their client to your client.
System consist of two programms
# Name: Scanner.exe
# Version: 1.0.0
# Developer: LeGrand
# Creation date: 21.10.2009
# Licence: Freeware
# Language: English
# Type: Console
# O. System: Windows NT, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
# Programming language: VC++
# Description: scans the current directory and all subdirectories. Establish a list of files, consisting of:
Url - link to a file on a remote server
File - filename
md5_ - md5 cheksum file
way - The path to the
* - File Number
Generates a file with the data obtained "update_ins.ini"
# Name: ClientCheck.exe
# Version: 1.0.0
# Developer: LeGrand
# Creation date: 21.10.2009
# Licence: Freeware
# Language: English
# Type: Console
# O. System: Windows NT, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
# Programming language: VC++
# Описание: By scanning every file in the directory with muonline, checks md5 cheksum file. If it does not coincide with the given file in .ini file, download it via the link. Create missing folders. Supports JPN client.
How to use:
1. Enter website folder(ex C:\xampp\htdocs), create directory update_ins
2. Put in this folder your mu client and programm Scanner.exe
3. Execute Scanner.exe and write adress of your server with "http://", but with no slash("/") in the end
4. Wait while programm generate update list.(Time depends on the speed of the system, the generation md5 takes some time. My 9000 files generated in ~ 7 minutes).
5. Put in archive generated update_ins.ini and ClientCheck.exe
6. Put archive on website, section donwloads :)Client check without downloading take ~3 min
ClientCheckSystem.rar (59 KB):
Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)
- tagegor (RZ)
28 2009-10-23 19:08:25
Re: MU Blue the new MU Online from Webzen (1 replies, posted in Announcements)
It seems that in 27-10-2009 they are going to open
a test server.
29 2009-10-14 18:21:09
Topic: Main 1.05X+Full (2 replies, posted in Server Releases)
Main 1.05X+Full
-Main 3D and minimap
-Supports custom sets,weapons,shields,wings
-No white texture
-MuError.log it's in english
-Master level show
-The name color of custom sets it's display like socket items (same color)
-Added Glow.dll (the dll it's patched)
If you want to add Antihack.dll, and the name color of custom swords, staffs, shields, bows to have the color of socket items just ask here
Main 1.05X (2.7 MB):
Link 1: http://www.2shared.com/file/8434015/222 … ezone.html
- Saintus (RZ)
- vcorp
- Gembrid
- cata123
- Ragezone
30 2009-09-23 19:42:49
Topic: Web MuOnline Quest System v0.1 (2 replies, posted in Website releases)
Web MuOnline Quest System v0.1
This is the first version of this quest system
Originally Posted by ReadMu.txt
Tables of contents:
1. Introduction.
2. Featuers.
3. Installation.
4. How does it work? + tips.
5. Credits.
6. Support.
===================================1. Introduction ===========================
The (S-y) MuOnline quest system has
exactly one valiuable purpose which is to
make MuOnline more exciting than it usually
is. To create this new enviornment where
players can do more than to say afk all-day
long, it allows them to expand the things
they need to do in the game.
===========================================2. Features ===============================
What is included in the package:
- Original web interface.
- A stable ajax core.
- Secured scripts.
- Administrative functions.
-> Quest Adder.
-> Quest Editor.
-> Quest Remover.
-> Item Hex Code Generator.
- Item Icon Pack.
- User functions.
-> Login/Logout system (Md5 and non-md5)
-> Quest Listing + paging
-> Quest filtering (in sessions)
-> Detailed quest information.
-> Quest status checker + awarder.
-> Current finished questList+paging.
-> Honor Rankings.
===========================================3. Installation ===========================
3.1 Open your MSSQL Query analyzer, connect to the 'MuOnline' database.
3.2 Afterwords open the /Install/ folder.
3.3 Run the ./quest_tables.sql in the query analyzer.
3.4a If you have installed the (S-y) webshop there's no need to do nth.
3.4b If you have not execute the ./Table_WebShop.sql and ./WebShop_Entries.sql as well.
3.5 Open ./s_scripts/db.connect.php and configure your connection to the MuOnline database.
3.6 Open ./s_scripts/quest_admins.php.php and add your administrator accounts.
3.7 Enjoy your brand new quest system.
===========================================4. How does it work? + tips. ==============
The system comes with NO inbuilt quests due to the differences in all the muonline servers.
When adding quests in mind keep the balance to hand. First (low honor requirement quests),
you need to add with low prices and a bit higher honor reward, create multiple quests for the
same classes of characters with a simillar reputation requirement so that players can have a choice
on which quest to attend at that time. Don't build a one-way street!! Create the last quests with
high rewards but with a huge honor requirement, so that players can get to them like climbing a ladder
Q: How does the quest evaluate the items needed?
A: When you open the "items" tab on the requirement field you see a list of item thumbnails. Notice
that they have certain level/option/xl/luck/skill/380lvl opt specifications (if chosen ofc).
Here is the tricky part. The webshop has an item comparing function that takes more powerfull items
to hand when it comes to quests. E.g. the quest wants Dragon Armor+9+4 and u have Dragon Armor+12+20+luck,
the quest will accept it as a valid item.
You might want to use the S-y webshop for the item administration.
===========================================5. Support ================================
I'll try to keep things up and recently release
update to the quest system so it stays tuned up.
I want nothing more from you than to keep my credits
and the little donation link i setup at the footer
of the page. If you chose to, you can donate as well.
Sometimes its nice to know that someone is willing
to motivate a developer ^-^
Link 1: http://seeupload.com/9%28S-y%29MuWebQuests_01.rar
Link 2: http://www.2shared.com/file/7999588/799 … ts_01.html
Savoy , skype: savoyegosu