(6 replies, posted in Website releases)

MU XSS Web::
LINK 1: Download

Template Release::
LINK 1: Download


(2 replies, posted in Help / FAQ)

Did you set the correct IP address ?

New Links:
Server Files:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Main Fix Master lvl:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Quest Fix:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Client 1.04qFull:
LINK 1: Download

LINK 1: Download

New Link:
LINK 1: Download


(13 replies, posted in Server Releases)

LINK 1: Download

Main 3D: Download
Patch: Download
Patch: Download


(0 replies, posted in Guides for players)

3rd Class change requires finished Marlon quest and has 3 parts.

Part 1 (Certificate of Strength):
Conditions and Rewards: Quest Starting and Ending :
*NPC - Priest Devin (Location: Devias 182,27 /original place/),
*Dialogs readings.
Completion Requirement: Level 380 or above with 5mil Zen.
Completion Method: Talk to quest NPC to start, read the dialogs to complete.
Completion Condition: Must collect 3 of Flame of Death Beam Knight, Horn of Hell Miney, and Feather of Phoenix of Darkness.
Completion Reward: Extra 10 Stat points to spend.
!!! Quest item does not drop if you are in party (Only the character who has accepted the quest can hunt the mobs to get the drops).

Part 2 (Infiltration of Barracks of Ballgass):
Conditions and Rewards: Quest Starting and Ending :
*NPC - Priest Devin (Location: Devias 182,27 /original place/),
*Dialogs readings.
Completion Requirement:Must be level 400 and have completed the 1st quest, and have 7mil Zen with you.
Completion Method: Enter the map Barracks of Ballgass and kill 10 each of:
*Death Spirit(Hero)
Completion Reward: Extra 10 Stat points to spend.
Kill Count Gaining Method: The one user(or party) that has done the most damage to a current monster earns the kill count.

Part 3 (Into The Darkness):
Conditions and Rewards: Quest Starting and Ending :
*NPC - Priest Devin (Location: Devias 182,27 /original place/),
*Dialogs readings.
Completion Requirement: Must be level 400 and have completed the 2nd quest, and have 10mil Zen with you.
Completion Method: Enter the Refuge of Ballgass which is located inside at the end of Barracks of Ballgass, and kill 1 Dark Elf(Hero).
Dark Elf(Hero):
Completion Reward: Extra 20 stats points to spend, 3rd Class Job Change completed.
Kill Count Gaining Method: The one user(or party) that has done the most damage to a current monster earns the kill count.
Refuge of Ballgass Map Guide: Entering Location :
NPC Gatekeeper (Location: Barracks of Ballgass 119,168),
Dialogs reading and confirmation button to enter map (Party leader must enter warp first for other party members above lvl 350 to enter map).
Entering Condition: Can only enter if doing 3rd Job change 3rd quest.
While in party, if you have already finish the quest or aren't doing it. Your wont get any kill counts, but the other party member who are doing the quest will get kill counts. It is possible to submit already made kills to Priest Devin, and you can go back and kill the remaining required ones.

Here are all classes:
Dark Knight -> Blade Knight -> Blade Master

Dark Wizard -> Soul Master -> Grand Master

Elf -> Muse Elf -> High Elf

Magic Gladiator -> - none -> Duel Master

Dark Lord -> - none -> Lord Emperor

Bloody Sumonner – Priest Sevina Quest

Dimension Sumonner – Priest Devin Quest


(60 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Change it with Hex Editor, (Main Editor,UltraEditor).
Here is the tutorial for the serial: TUTORIAL

This guide will show you for how to change IP, Serial and Version in main.exe

    * First download UltraEdit.
    * Open main.exe

    How to replace the serial ?
* Press "Ctrl+F", check "Find ASCII" and write "failed to connect"
    * To replace the serial u have to use the same character, words, digits, etc...
    * The serial contains 16 chatacters


How to change the version ?

# Rull: 10000 = 22345
# Let`s take 1.03c
# 1.03c = 1.03.03 = 10303
# 10303 - 10000 = 303
# 22345 + 303 = 22648

How to find the version ?

# Let`s take 22696
# According to ^ we make inversion
# 22696 - 22346 = 351
# 351 + 10000 = 10351
# 1.03.51 = 1.03Z+

How to change IP ?
* Search for "connect.muonline.co.kr" and replace with u`re IP.
* After you write the IP in the Hex part use 00 before the word ends.


****If you cannot read the file, maybe it's encrypted or not cracked.
LINK 1: Download

Other Editors:
HexEdit: Download
HexEditor: Download
MainEditor: Download

Many serverfiles are ready to run, but I think that 95% the golden archer does not work, because the dbs are so old, also, some people dont know that exists.
I will explain how to add the golden archer 100% works, to get to your server, a new feature, for funny events.

1-After configuring the server, in the folder MU2003_EVENT_SERVER will have the file named WZ_MU2003_EVENT_SERVER.exe (event server). (Attach folder with file).
***Remember that if you change the name or puts this file, you must edit the links or the MuserverStarUp, so you can connect normally without an error when you connect.

2 - Now, open the next file.
C: or D: / MuServer / Data / MonsterSetBase.txt
Go to Npcs, or Go to the last line of text and add the lines

/ / --------------------------------------------- ---------------
/ / Lorencia NPC:
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ------------
236 0 0 130 127 3 / / NPC Golden Archer
/ / ------------------------------------------------ ------------ 

3 - Now you need configure the commonserver.cfg.
(MuServer / Data / coomonserver.cfg)

Find and configure the settings as it says below:

EventChipServerConnect = 1; [1 = enable, 0 = disable]
EventChipServerIp =
EventChipEvent = 1; [1 = enable, 0 = disable]
BoxOfGoldDropRate = 6; [20/100 = 20%]
ItemDropRateForBoxOfGold = 80; rate drop elements [50/100 = 50%]
EventChipDropRateForBoxOfGold = 0; percentage drop Rena [90/100 = 90%]
and setting the drop that you want 

Other settings here:

StoneItemDrop = 1 ; event ( Bless Fragment )
StoneDropRate = 100 ; (StoneDropRate/ 10000) 

4 - Now, the script to fix the NPC, you should executed the following command with the Query Analizer.
How to use the Query Analizer?
Simple, do the following:
Start-> Program Files-> Microsoft SQL Server-> Query Analizer-> Identify. At the top, where it says Master, we changed to MuOnline-> Enter the queryt in the console>>and then press F5!
Remember run in MuOnline, not in ranking!
(Attach - Code to run in Query Analizer.)

5 - Now go to
C: or D: \ MuServer \ MU2003_EVENT_SERVER \ Data \ svconfig.ini and set up this:

queue_no = 4
workerthread_no = 4
mu2003_dbname = MuOnline
mu2003_dsn = MuOnline
mu2003_uid = sa
mu2003_pass SQL = password 

6 - Ready now almost complete connect your server and locate the NPC's outside the bar, in Lorencia.
The Golden Archer serves as a warehouse, and carries the accounts of Rena's collected by the users, most of the servers do not have it because it does not work, but now you can get in there and let your imagination fly with the possible events that you can do .

If you want to create a php script, like that of any ranking, only changing tables, showing, as each carries renas Id, and when users collect a certain quantity, published his prize items, jewelry, days of VIP, etc, in web,

Query to FIXGoldenArcher.txt :
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Rumanian_Guide.txt :
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

-  Juliom (RZ)


(6 replies, posted in Tools)

MUWorldEditor 0.2.0 Alpha

This is new version of MUWorldEditor V0.1.0 Alpha
V0.1.0 Alpha:

Using this tool, you can view the Mu worldmap.
At the "object" sub-interface on the toolbar, holding down the ctrl key to add one new object ,delete key to delete the focus object.Then you can save the changes.


Fixed save.
Fixed destroy D3D9Device.
Add camera far.
Add moving object like MAX.


MUWorldEditor 0.2.0 Alpha:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- orz8


(6 replies, posted in Tools)

MUWorldEditor V0.1.2

Use this to view the Mu worldmap. Select "object" on the toolbar, while holding the ctrl key to add new object, press delete key to delete the selected object.

Need DirectX 9.0c Shader 2.0
My os is winXP sp3 x86-32




Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)

Click Here:

MuOnline Client 97d+99items by Vaflan 2009

This is optimized, modified, and fixed client.

- Extract
- Change 127.0.01 to your IP
- Execute Launcher.bat

Main modifications:
- Saves all screenshots to Images folder
- Sound is enhanced
- Corrected object glare;
- 3D camera views
- mini map
- Added MuWindow.exe and Configurar.exe


MuClient 97d+99i - v2.0.rar (117,67 KB):
Download: (2shared)

Download: (2shared)


(4 replies, posted in Tools)




(2 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Mu Blue Client


main.exe (5,317 KB):

- zolamu (RZ)

Mu Online (MUX) - Game Trailer The legend of dragon

Video-Trailer The legend of dragon:


(0 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Main 1.00.02 BLUE Cracked

Third Edition
Updated files:

Main 1.00.02 BLUE.rar (1,374 KB):
Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)

BlueMU1_00b_Patch.zip (2,020 KB):
Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)

- WebZen
- Ema Leto

Animacion 3D

Video Animation 3D 

Joinserver 0.77 Mapmove Autodisconnect Dll

Solution for "account already connected" problem.

GS doesn't send logut packet to JS when users are in MapMove state or account in gs is not in logged state.

It means that if you've requested to move to another GS using move command or your character is on the map that is served by another GS and you are trying to enter game - gs will mark you with MapMove State and after sending MapMove Request JS will mark you with MapMove State.

Possible situations:
1. your provider sucks, inet connection goes down, and your connections to new GS lost.
2. When you will try to join new GS first of all GS requests MapMove Authorization. If MapMove Authorization succeedes, then JS resets your MapMove State and GS sets your account in logged state. If smth goes wrong your account won't be logged in GS, so no logout packet to JS will be sent, but JS will keep you in MapMove State.
(eRRoR told me that most of all stucks happen because of failed authorization)

So our key is JS MpMove State flag. JS knows that users are in MapMove state, so if they remain to long in MapMove state we can disconnect them.

Other thing that JS already has this function, that checks all users for MapMove state and disconnects them if they are stucked in this state more than 30 seconds. But i haven't found any reference to it and when JS is working this function remains silent. Also this function every 2 minutes or 3 send Bill Info to GS.

So DLL code is simple. When JS starts we start a new thread with entry point of this function + remove BillInfo send. When JS closes softly suspend our thread.

I don't have full info about this problem, so i don't know if it will help in all cases. So you can test if it works :D

JsHook.dll (56 KB):
Download: (2shared)

JS_AutoDC_MD5.rar (289 KB):
Download: (2shared)

JS_AutoDC_NO_MD5.rar (289 KB):
Download: (2shared)

- Hybrid (RZ)


(19 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Season IV Full Release - Summer Edition

This release is not tested. Please, if you manage to get it to work, post your comments below

BC8 - 100% 1ª 2ª 3ª 
DS7 - 100% 1ª 2ª 3ª 
CC7 - 100% 1ª 2ª 3ª 
Illusion Temple - 100% 
Happy Hour - 100% 
Golden Invasion - 100% 
White Wizzard - 100% 
Rabbit Evento - 100% 
Sky Evento - 100%
Raklion Evento
Event Azul - 100%
Toate Quests - 100% 
Marlon Quest - 100% 
HalloweenEvent - 100%
GM comandos - 100%
S3 Items - 100% 
S3 NPC - 100% 
S3 Mobs - 100% 
S3 Mapas - 100% 
S4 Mobs - 100% 
S4 Items - 100% 
S4 Competências - 100% 
PC Pontos Shop - 100%
Raklion Mapa -100% 
SwampOfCalmess - 100% 
Skill Tree - 100% 
New Map Vulcanus
Socket  100%
System Auto Exp 100%
Moss Merchant 100%
Rudolf 100%
Set Season 4 (Darklord e Bk ) 100%
Chaos Castle Master LVL  100%


- Blood Castle Event - 99%
- Devil Square Event - 100%
- Chaos Castle Event - 100%
- Boss Attack Event -100%
- Kantru Event - 100%
- Illusion Teample Event - 100%
- Happy Hour Event - 100%
- Golden Invasion - 100%
- White Wizzard - 100%
- Rabbit Event - 100%
- Sky Event - 100%
- Blue Event - 100%
- Hit and up Event - 100%
- Halloween Event - 100%
- Raklion Event - 100%
- Merchant Moss - 100%
- Duel Event - 100%
- Castle Siege CryWolf and to check

Gm Command:


User Command:


Vip Comand:


Game Server Comand:


New Shop:

Shop13: Leo The Helper
Shop14: Pamela
Shop15: Angela
Shop16: Fireworks Girl
Shop17: Elegance Allen
Shop18: Sivia
Shop19: Leah
Shop20: Marseille
Shop21: Daesyeo
Shop22: Commit
Shop23: Dancers
Shop24: Cupid
Shop25: Peuraenseo
Shop26: Donner
Shop27: Bikseon
Shop28: Beulrijeun
Shop29: Moss The Merchant

Server Information:

New Sword:
-Ilidan Sword
-Arthas Blade
-Minisher Blade
-Zabuza Sword
-Maine Blade
-Naga Storm Blade
-Icarus Sword
-Dynasti Sword
-Ultimate Hammer

 New Shild:
-King Shield
-Master soul Shield
-Divine sheld
-Dynasty Shield
-Balrog Shield

New Set:
-Vegeta SSj 4
-Gohan SSJ
-Baby Vegeta
-Goku SSJ4
-Goku SSJ3
-Goku SSJ5
-Naruto Shippuden
-Itachi Uchiha
-Sakura Haruno
-ino yamanaka
-Rock Lee

New Wings:
-Wing of Illusive
-Wing of Divine
-Wing of Angel
-Wing of Glorius
-Wing of Dragon Maine
-Wing of Zephyr
-Wing of Brow
-Wing of Flame Illusion
-Wing of Hell Maine
-Wing of Invisible

Update 1:

. [Skill Effects] Soul Potion effect added 
. [Skill Effects] Bless Potion effect added 
. [Castle Siege] Castle Gates show with proper states 
. [Castle Siege] Castle Crown unlocks and locks in real time 
. [Castle Siege] Castle Crown announcement sent when shield Enabled/Disabled 
. Masters Exp Fix After Die 
. New Gate Moves, added random number padding, so ppl show up random place 
. [Duel System] Implemented winning announcement + Room + Score 
. [Duel System] At the end of Duel, duelers have 10 seconds to move 
. [Duel System] On login if player in Duel Map => moves to Volcanus 
. [Duel System] Sometime not all Duel parties get warped to the new map 
. [Duel System] Winning Duelere doesnt receive Gladiators Buf Fix 
. [Duel System] Duelers can not move until the duel is over 
. [Duel System] Request 'Only in Lorencia' fix 
. [Duel System] Spectator move = delete from the room 
. [Duel System] Fixed spectator move bug (stays invisible) 
. [Duel System] Spectators are not shown with correct invisible state fix

Update 2:

. 3rd Level Wings ignore damage and attack rate % fix 
. 3rd Level Wings 5% damage return probability fix 
. Fixed Summoner Quest Item deletion (added level of quest item) 
. Increased Summoner Quest drop: Emperror, Ring of Glory and Churchil's Eye 
. Fixed Season 3 Quest Drop rate error for Feather, Horn and Flame 
. Removed OPTIONS: SCFS3DropInAllMaps, SCFS3MapDrop from SCF_Season3.ini 
. Removed unnecessary loglines from scf new logs, for easier bug tracking 
. Crywolf Background of altar doesnt change in real time fix 
. 3rd Level Wings ignore damage and attack rate % fix 
. 3rd Level Wings 5% damage return probability fix 
. Player on login visual effects/gm sign fix, duel spectator fix 
. Implemented realtime engine for switch of monster and NPC states 
. Castle Crown announcement now sent when shield Enabled/Disabled

Update 3:

. [ExtraExp] Separate ExtraExp for Party's 
. [ExtraExp] Now works with party too 
. /add Command Limited by Stat Limit by Character 
. [Calc Character] Attack Damage Edition for all classes 
. [Calc Character] Defense Edition for all classes 
. [Calc Character] Successful Blocking for all classes 
. [Calc Character] Attack Speed for all classes 
. [Calc Character] Magic Speed for all classes 
. Auto Add Exp -1 Value FIXED 
. [ExtraExp] Exp FIXED 
. [ExtraExp] Added by Maps 
. [ExtraExp] Added by VIP (New System) 
. [ExtraExp] Added by Resets

Update 4:

. [Command] /playerinfo "playername" ADDED 
. Need Resets Option for create guild ADDED 
. BC 8 LIMIT BUG by exit and enter FIXED 
. Marry Position FIX 
. Skill Tree Effects now work 100% 
. Skill Tree Icons for Skills no longer dissapear 
. Guild SQL Injection Fix
. Raklion Event
. Marry Square Sistem

Update 5:

. Summoner HP C, Login, Warp
. Kalima Gates OK (kalima 2 A 7)
. Explotion Skill Drink OK
. Magic Circle Skill Drink OK
. Reduce Dmg Shield Skill Drink OK
. Five Shot Skill Drink OK
. Sword Slash Skill Drink Ok
. Lighting Storm Skill Drink Ok
. Birds Skill Drink Ok
. Drop Item Execelent


Link 1: http://www.filefront.com/14241095/MuOnl … ition.rar/
Link 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RUHUHERM

Link 1: http://www.filefront.com/14241159/MuOnl … ition.rar/
Link 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O133XFCV

Link 1: ftp://muonline.nefficient.co.kr/pub/muo … _Patch.zip

Link 1: http://muweb.nefficient.co.kr/muweb/MU1_04q_Full.zip

Link 1: http://www.filefront.com/14243263/MuOnl … ition.rar/

Link 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1IGHQOEI
Link 2: http://www.filefront.com/14243255/MuOnl … ition.rar/

This release is copied from AngelShade (RZ)
- WebZen
- Mireille- for posting it.
- All others that made this possible.


(4 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Sorry my mistake

PASWORD: www.imperyusgames.com.br



(1 replies, posted in Website releases)

Castle Siege Info

Castle Siege information script:

//ajuste das datas
echo 'Monday 0:00 - Tuesday 23:59 Register<br>Wednesday 0:00 - Friday 23:59 Registre - Mark of Lord<br>Sunday 20:00 - 22:00 Castle


echo '<br><br>';
echo '<big>Guilds Registradas</big><br><br>~*~<br>';

echo '<center><table width=50% border=0><tr><td>LP.</td><td>Guild</td><td>Marks</td></tr>';

$a = $_POST['start_from'];
$rowg = mssql_fetch_row($gildie);
if($i >= $_POST['start_from'])
if ($row[0] != 1)
$a = $a+1;
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align=left>'.$a;
echo '</td>';
echo '<td><b>';
echo $rowg[1];
echo '</b></td><td>';
echo $rowg[2];
echo '</td></tr>';

echo '</table></center><br><br><br><small><small>Criado por: <b>Leyas</b></center>';


- liclopes

GameServer SCFMT 7.11.66B Cracked By Mr.Diel

7.11.66B-Cracked-by-Diel.rar (4,417 KB):
Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)

PASWORD: www.imperyusgames.com.br

Special credits for the release goes to:
- Mr.Diel (MCTear Developer)