1 (edited by Eternity 2010-02-25 13:51:40)

Topic: LeGrand AutoUpdate scanner

System will help to update every clint to your's mu server client
In some situations, it is not possible to download the full client, but to make patches for every season, it is impossible. The system solves this situation;) Users will be able to update all their client to your client.

System consist of two programms

# Name: Scanner.exe
# Version: 1.0.0
# Developer: LeGrand
# Creation date: 21.10.2009
# Licence: Freeware
# Language: English
# Type: Console
# O. System: Windows NT, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
# Programming language: VC++
# Description: scans the current directory and all subdirectories. Establish a list of files, consisting of:



Url  - link to a file on a remote server
File - filename
md5_ - md5 cheksum file
way - The path to the
* - File Number
Generates a file with the data obtained "update_ins.ini"

# Name: ClientCheck.exe
# Version: 1.0.0
# Developer: LeGrand
# Creation date: 21.10.2009
# Licence: Freeware
# Language: English
# Type: Console
# O. System: Windows NT, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
# Programming language: VC++
# Описание: By scanning every file in the directory with muonline, checks md5 cheksum file. If it does not coincide with the given file in .ini file, download it via the link. Create missing folders. Supports JPN client.

How to use:

1. Enter website folder(ex C:\xampp\htdocs), create directory update_ins
2. Put in this folder your mu client and programm Scanner.exe
3. Execute Scanner.exe and write adress of your server with "http://", but with no slash("/") in the end
4. Wait while programm generate update list.(Time depends on the speed of the system, the generation md5 takes some time. My 9000 files generated in ~ 7 minutes).
5. Put in archive generated update_ins.ini and ClientCheck.exe
6. Put archive on website, section donwloads :)

Client check without downloading take ~3 min

ClientCheckSystem.rar (59 KB):
Download: (2shared)
Download: (Turboupload)

- tagegor (RZ)