(10 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Try this link:

LINK 1: Download

New Links:
LINK 1: Download


(1 replies, posted in Tools)

Magic Hand Mu Client Editor

Edits this BMD files:

BuffEffect.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
Credit.bmd OK
ServerList.bmd OK
Dialog.bmd OK
Filter.bmd OK
CRC autofix
FilterName.bmd OK
Minimap.bmd OK
Gate.bmd OK
CRC autofix Item.bmd OK!
ItemAddOption.bmd OK
ItemSetOption.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
ItemSetType.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
JewelOfHarmonyOption.bmd OK
MasterSkillTree.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
MonsterSkill.bmd OK
MoveReq.bmd OK
Pet.bmd able to add the CRC for now
Quest.bmd OK
QuestProgress.bmd OK
ShopCategoryItems.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
ShopUI.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
Skill.bmd OK autofix CRC !!!
Slide.bmd OK
SocketItem.bmd OK
Text.bmd OK
Edit Mix.bmd OK
Edit Minimap.bmd corrected OK

Converts graphic files:


Edits wtf files:


Exports bmd to txt file:

Gate.bmd a Gate.txt
MoveReq.bmd a MoveReq.txt

!!!What do you need to run the program:
Start XAMPP APPSERVER(open Firefox)

Magic Hand Mu Client Editor:
LINK 1: Download

    * MagicHand
    * Brought aGamerZlove x th3m4ster


(7 replies, posted in Guides for players)

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Skin Loading BK SM:
LINK 1: Download

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Calculator for main:
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LINK 3: Download


(14 replies, posted in Server Releases)

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LINK 2: Download

Server Files:
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LINK 2: Download


(11 replies, posted in Website releases)

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LINK 2: Download


(4 replies, posted in Website releases)

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LINK 2: Download


(13 replies, posted in Server Releases)

Try with this client. I think it's better

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download


(7 replies, posted in Website releases)

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LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download
LINK 3: Download

Packet enc/dec source

Decryption: wad <wad@inbox.lv>
Decryption reverse engineering: Evolver <ninzya@inbox.lv>



#include <memory.h>

#define MU_PACKET( buf_ptr) (muPacket*)buf_ptr
#define MU_REFPKT( pkt_ptr) (*pkt_ptr)

class muPacket {
// ...
muPacket() {
// ...
~muPacket() {
// ...
inline unsigned char* packet() {
return ((unsigned char*)this);
// ...
inline unsigned char& packet( unsigned short i) {
return ((unsigned char*)this);
// ...
inline void packet( void* out_buf, unsigned short offset, unsigned short bytes) {
memcpy( out_buf, &this->packet()[offset], bytes);
// ...
inline unsigned char hdr() {
return this->packet()[0];
// ...
unsigned short size() {
unsigned char* buf =(unsigned char*)this;
if( buf[0] ==0xC1 || buf[0] ==0xC3)
return (unsigned short)buf[1];
else if( buf[0] ==0xC2 || buf[0] ==0xC4)
return (((unsigned short)buf[1] << 8) | (unsigned short)buf[2]);
// shouldn't occur
return 0;
// ...
inline unsigned char *contents() {
return &(this->packet()[this->hdrSize()]);
// ...
inline unsigned char& contents( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet()[this->hdrSize()+i];
// ...
inline void contents( void* out_buf, unsigned short offset, unsigned short bytes) {
memcpy( out_buf, &(this->contents()[offset]), bytes);
// ...
inline unsigned short contentSize() {
return( this->size() -this->hdrSize());
// ...
inline unsigned char opc() {
return( this->operator()( 0));
// ...
unsigned char hdrSize() {
unsigned char* buf =(unsigned char*)this;
if( buf[0] ==0xC1 || buf[0] ==0xC3)
return 2;
else if( buf[0] ==0xC2 || buf[0] ==0xC4)
return 3;
// shouldn't occur
return 0;
public:// operators
// iterates whole packet
inline unsigned char& operator[]( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet();
// iterates contents
inline unsigned char& operator()( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet()[i +this->hdrSize()];
// returns pointer to packet
inline operator unsigned char*() {
return this->packet();

// checks whether the given packet is valid
bool IsMuPacketValid( unsigned char *ptr, unsigned short len);



#include "mu_packet.h"

// checks whether the given packet is valid
bool IsMuPacketValid( unsigned char *ptr, unsigned short len) {
if( len < 3) return false;
if( ptr[0] == 0xC1 || ptr[0] == 0xC3)
return ( ptr[1] == len);
else if (ptr[0] == 0xC2 || ptr[0] == 0xC4) {
unsigned short inlen =(unsigned short)ptr[1] << 8 | (unsigned short)ptr[2];
return ( inlen == len);
} else
return false;


* Mu Protocol Decryption algorythm fetched from gs by wad. Special thanks.
* Author: Evolver
* Modifications:
* Integrated encryption algorhythm basing on decryption algorhythm by wad. (Evolver)
* Prepared and tested code (Evolver)


#include "mu_packet.h"

enum MuReadEncfileResult_t {
MuReadEncfile_InvalidPath =0,
MuReadEncfile_FileCorrupted =1,
MuReadEncfile_Success =2

// this algorythm uses dec data in this order:
// enc client->server (Dec1.dat)
// dec client->server (Dec1.dat)
// enc server->client (Dec2.dat)
// dec server->client (Dec2.dat)

// reads encryption file
MuReadEncfileResult_t MuReadEncfile( char *file, unsigned int* out_dat );
// decrypts login/passwod, and also used to decrypt login and password,
// Terrain*.att files in client-side Data/World*/, bmd files
void MuXor3Byte( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len);
// encode c1/c2 packet
extern void MU_EncodeC1C2( muPacket* packet);
// decode c1/c2 packet
extern void MU_DecodeC1C2( muPacket* packet);
// encode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_EncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char enc_key);
// decode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_DecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char* dec_key);
// returns space in bytes, required to fit the encrypted packet to c3/c4
extern unsigned short MuPacketEncSpace( muPacket* pkt);
// returns space in bytes, required to fit the decrypted packet from c3/c4
extern unsigned short MuPacketDecSpace( muPacket* pkt);



* Mu Protocol Decryption algorythm fetched from gs by wad. Special thanks.
* Author: Evolver
* Modifications:
* Integrated encryption algorhythm basing on decryption algorhythm by wad. (Evolver)
* Prepared and tested code (Evolver)

#include "mu_encdec.h"
#include "mu_packet.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <cstdio>

// MuError.log
const static unsigned int xor_tab_muerror[4] = {
0x9F81BD7C, 0x56E2933D, 0x3ED2732A, 0xBF9583F2
// used to decrypt login and password, Terrain*.att files in
// client-side Data/World*/
const static unsigned char xor_table_3byte[3] = {
0xFC, 0xCF, 0xAB
// used to decrypt client-side Data/Enc1.dat and Data/Dec2.Dat
const unsigned int xor_tab_datfile[4] = {
0x3F08A79B, 0xE25CC287, 0x93D27AB9, 0x20DEA7BF
// used to decrypt C1/C2 packets
const unsigned char xor_tab_C1C2[32] = {
0xE7, 0x6D, 0x3A, 0x89, 0xBC, 0xB2, 0x9F, 0x73,
0x23, 0xA8, 0xFE, 0xB6, 0x49, 0x5D, 0x39, 0x5D,
0x8A, 0xCB, 0x63, 0x8D, 0xEA, 0x7D, 0x2B, 0x5F,
0xC3, 0xB1, 0xE9, 0x83, 0x29, 0x51, 0xE8, 0x56
// decrypts login/passwod, and also used to decrypt login and password,
// Terrain*.att files in client-side Data/World*/
void MuXor3Byte( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
ptr ^= xor_table_3byte[i%3];
// ...
void ShiftRight(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len, unsigned int shift) {
if (shift == 0) return;
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
*ptr = (*ptr << shift) | (*(ptr+1) >> (8 - shift));
*ptr <<= shift;
// ...
void ShiftLeft(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len, unsigned int shift) {
if (shift == 0) return;
ptr +=len -1;
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
*ptr = (*ptr >> shift) | (*(ptr-1) << (8 - shift));
*ptr >>= shift;
// ...
unsigned int ShiftBytes(unsigned char* buf, unsigned int arg_4, unsigned char* pkt, unsigned int arg_C, unsigned int arg_10) {
unsigned int size_ = ((((arg_10 + arg_C) - 1) / 8) + (1 - (arg_C / 8)));
unsigned char tmp1[20] ={ 0 };
memcpy( tmp1, &pkt[arg_C /8], size_);
unsigned int var_4 = (arg_10 + arg_C) & 0x7;
if (var_4) tmp1[size_ - 1] &= 0xFF << (8 - var_4);
arg_C &= 0x7;
ShiftRight(tmp1, size_, arg_C);
ShiftLeft(tmp1, size_ + 1, arg_4 & 0x7);
if ((arg_4 & 0x7) > arg_C)
for( unsigned int i =0; i < size_; ++i)
buf[i+(arg_4/8)] |=tmp1;
return arg_10 + arg_4;
// ...
void Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned char* pktptr, unsigned int num_bytes, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
unsigned char finale[2];
finale[0] =(unsigned char)num_bytes;
finale[0] ^= 0x3D;
finale[1] =0xF8;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
finale[1] ^= pktptr[k];
finale[0] ^= finale[1];
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x48, finale, 0x00, 0x10);
unsigned int ring[4] ={ 0x000000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 };
unsigned short* cryptbuf =(unsigned short*)pktptr;
ring[0] =((dec_dat[ 8] ^(cryptbuf[0])) *dec_dat[ 4]) %dec_dat[ 0];
ring[1] =((dec_dat[ 9] ^(cryptbuf[1] ^(ring[0] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 5]) %dec_dat[ 1];
ring[2] =((dec_dat[10] ^(cryptbuf[2] ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 6]) %dec_dat[ 2];
ring[3] =((dec_dat[11] ^(cryptbuf[3] ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 7]) %dec_dat[ 3];
unsigned int ring_backup[4] ={ ring[0], ring[1], ring[2], ring[3] };
ring[2] =ring[2] ^dec_dat[10] ^(ring_backup[3] &0xFFFF);
ring[1] =ring[1] ^dec_dat[ 9] ^(ring_backup[2] &0xFFFF);
ring[0] =ring[0] ^dec_dat[ 8] ^(ring_backup[1] &0xFFFF);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x00, (unsigned char*)(&ring[0]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x10, (unsigned char*)(&ring[0]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x12, (unsigned char*)(&ring[1]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x22, (unsigned char*)(&ring[1]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x24, (unsigned char*)(&ring[2]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x34, (unsigned char*)(&ring[2]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x36, (unsigned char*)(&ring[3]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x46, (unsigned char*)(&ring[3]), 0x16, 0x02);
// ...
int Decode11BytesTo8Bytes( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned char* pktptr, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
unsigned int ring[4] ={ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 };
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[0], 0x00, pktptr, 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[0], 0x16, pktptr, 0x10, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[1], 0x00, pktptr, 0x12, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[1], 0x16, pktptr, 0x22, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[2], 0x00, pktptr, 0x24, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[2], 0x16, pktptr, 0x34, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[3], 0x00, pktptr, 0x36, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[3], 0x16, pktptr, 0x46, 0x02);
ring[2] =ring[2] ^dec_dat[10] ^(ring[3] &0xFFFF);
ring[1] =ring[1] ^dec_dat[ 9] ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF);
ring[0] =ring[0] ^dec_dat[ 8] ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF);
unsigned short* cryptbuf =(unsigned short*)outbuf;
cryptbuf[0] =dec_dat[ 8] ^((ring[0] *dec_dat[ 4]) %dec_dat[0]);
cryptbuf[1] =dec_dat[ 9] ^((ring[1] *dec_dat[ 5]) %dec_dat[1]) ^(ring[0] &0xFFFF);
cryptbuf[2] =dec_dat[10] ^((ring[2] *dec_dat[ 6]) %dec_dat[2]) ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF);
cryptbuf[3] =dec_dat[11] ^((ring[3] *dec_dat[ 7]) %dec_dat[3]) ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF);
unsigned char finale[2] ={ 0x00, 0x00 };
ShiftBytes(finale, 0, pktptr, 0x48, 0x10);
finale[0] ^= finale[1];
finale[0] ^= 0x3D;
unsigned char m = 0xF8;
for( int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
m ^= outbuf[k];
if( m ==finale[1])
return finale[0];
return -1;
// ...
inline unsigned short MuPacketEncSpace( muPacket* pkt) {
return((( pkt->contentSize() /8) +(((pkt->contentSize() %8) >0) ? 1 : 0)) *11) +pkt->hdrSize();
// ...
inline unsigned short MuPacketDecSpace( muPacket* pkt) {
return(( pkt->contentSize() /11) *8) +pkt->hdrSize() -1;
// (if C1, offset = 2), (if C2, offset = 3)
void MU_ForceEncodeC1C2( unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len, unsigned short offset =2) {
for( unsigned short p =1; p < len; ++p)
buf[p] ^= buf[p-1] ^ xor_tab_C1C2[(p+offset) %32];
// (if C1, offset = 2), (if C2, offset = 3)
void MU_ForceDecodeC1C2( unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len, unsigned short offset =2) {
for( unsigned short p =len; p > 0; --p)
buf[p] ^= buf[p-1] ^ xor_tab_C1C2[(p+offset) %32];
// encode c1/c2 packet
inline void MU_EncodeC1C2( muPacket* packet) {
MU_ForceEncodeC1C2( packet->contents(), packet->contentSize(), packet->hdrSize());
// decode c1/c2 packet
inline void MU_DecodeC1C2( muPacket* packet) {
MU_ForceDecodeC1C2( packet->contents(), packet->contentSize(), packet->hdrSize());
// encode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_ForceEncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned short* outlen, unsigned char* inbuf, unsigned short len, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
*outlen =0;
unsigned int offset =0;
for( offset =0; (offset+8) <= len; offset +=8) {
memset( outbuf, 0, 11);
Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], 8, dec_dat);
*outlen += 11;
outbuf += 11;
if ( offset < len) {
memset( outbuf, 0, 11);
Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], len - offset, dec_dat);
*outlen += 11;
return true;
// decode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_ForceDecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned short* outlen, unsigned char* inbuf, unsigned short len, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
if ((len % 11) != 0)
return false;// invalid size specified
*outlen = 0;
int rez =0;
for( unsigned int offset =0; offset < len; offset +=11) {
rez =Decode11BytesTo8Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], dec_dat);
if (rez <= 0)
return false;// failed to decrypt
*outlen +=(unsigned int)rez;
outbuf +=8;
return true;
// decrypt c3/c4 packet
bool MU_DecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char* dec_key) {
unsigned char hdrSize =pkt->hdrSize();
unsigned char hdr =pkt->hdr();
unsigned short dec_size =0;
if( MU_ForceDecodeC3C4( &outbuf[hdrSize -1], &dec_size, pkt->contents(), pkt->contentSize(), dec_dat) ==false)
return false;// decryption fails
dec_size +=hdrSize -1;
*dec_key =outbuf[hdrSize -1];
outbuf[0] =hdr -2;
if( hdrSize ==2)
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)dec_size;
else {
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)((dec_size &~0x00FF) >> 8);
outbuf[2] =(unsigned char)(dec_size &~0xFF00);
return true;// decrypt success
// encrypt c3/c4 packet
bool MU_EncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char enc_key) {
unsigned char hdrSize =pkt->hdrSize();
unsigned char hdr =pkt->hdr();
unsigned short size =pkt->size();
unsigned char tmp =pkt->packet( hdrSize -1);
unsigned short enc_len =0;
pkt->packet( hdrSize -1) =enc_key;
bool rs =MU_ForceEncodeC3C4( &outbuf[hdrSize], &enc_len, &pkt->packet( hdrSize -1), size -hdrSize +1, dec_dat);
pkt->packet( hdrSize -1) =tmp;
if( rs ==true) {
outbuf[0] =hdr +2;
enc_len +=hdrSize;
if( hdrSize ==2)
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)enc_len;
else {
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)((enc_len &~0x00FF) >> 8);
outbuf[2] =(unsigned char)(enc_len &~0xFF00);
return rs;
// out_dat element count = 16
MuReadEncfileResult_t MuReadEncfile( char *file, unsigned int* out_dat ) {
FILE* stream =fopen( file, "rb");
if( stream ==0)
return MuReadEncfile_InvalidPath;
fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_END);
long size =ftell( stream);
if( size !=54)
return MuReadEncfile_FileCorrupted;
fseek( stream, 6, SEEK_SET);
unsigned int buf[4];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 0] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 1] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[ 2] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[ 3] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 4] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 5] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[ 6] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[ 7] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 8] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 9] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[10] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[11] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fclose( stream);
return MuReadEncfile_Success;

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download


(13 replies, posted in Server Releases)


+ Support all features of 99b
+ Elf Summons Works 100%
+ Elf Soldier Works 100%
+ Lahap Works 100%
+ Guild War Works 100%
+ Duel Works 100%
+ Quest HERO and Combo Skill Works 100%
+ Delete Chars Works 100%
+ Delete Guilds Works 100%
+ Guild Hostility Works 100%
+ Messenger- Mails Works 100%
+ !Message the Admin Works 100%
+ @Message Guilds Works 100%
+ ~Message Party Works 100%
+ PK BUG - No disconnect Works 100%
+ Potion Bug Works 100%
+ Personal Store Works 100%
+ Pet Trainer Works 100%
+ Devil Square 1 - 6 Works 100%
+ Blood Castle 1 - 7 Works 100%
+ Chaos Castle 1 - 6 Works 100%
+ All Skill Works 100%
+ Party Crash Fixed 100%
+ Battle Soccer Works 100%
+ Golden Invasion Works 100%
+ Ring Attack Works 100%
+ Guild Alliance Works 100%
+ Mix +10 +11 +12 +13 Works 100%
+ Guild/Party Chat bug Fixed Works 100%
+ Party Zen Bug Fixed
+ Rings level 40 and 80 Works 100% 

Server Files:
LINK 1: [url=http://www.turboupload.com/cg5aiux0inc3/MuServer_99b_Bugless_[1.0m].rar.html]Download[/url]
LINK 2: Download

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- WebZen
- CzF
- FNR & DarksTeam


(1 replies, posted in Tools)

SQL Server 2008:
http://download.microsoft.com/download/ … 86_ENU.exe


(2 replies, posted in Server Releases)

KG new CashShop 1.01.04

IndexID GroupID Amount UseTime Category UseType BuyType Sellhow Price
Sellhow : 1.NEW 2.HOT 3.SALE


LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download
LINK 3: Download

- Links


(60 replies, posted in Server Releases)

MFS Team Season V FULL addon SCF

GameServer - 1.03.43 - Cracked
GameServer_CS - 1.03.15 - Cracked
GameServer VIP - 1.03.43 - Cracked
SCFExDB - Cracked
Server Max Stats: 32 767

Added VIP Server:

Added VIP Server
VIP - 100% Work
/vipbuy - 100%
Dataserver3 - 100% 

PC Point Shop:

PC Point Shop - 100%
Box in shop - 100%
Full item + Socked Item in Shop - 100% 

ResetMaster Information:

ResetLevel=350 /Level for reset
ResetZen=200000000 /Zen for reset
ClearPreviousResets=0 /Disabled
ClearInventory=0 /Disabled
ClearStats=0 /Disabled
ClearSkills=0 /Disabled
ClearMasterPoints=0 /Disabled
Reset MultPoints=0 /Disabled
ResetIsNeedSpecialItem=1 /Enabled
Item is:

Reset Information:

/reset - 100% work
ResetLevel=400 /Level for reset
ResetZen=200000000 /reset cost
ClearQuests=0 / Disabled
ClearEvolutions=0 /Disabled
ClearInventory=0 /Disabled
ClearStats=0 /Disabled
ClearSkills=0 /Disabled
That means when you become level 400.
Use the command /reset .
Your hero will be automatic be reset.
Your skills,quests,inventory,skills will keep ! 

Server Information:

Quest 1 - 100%
Quest 2 - 100%
Quest 3 - 100%
Socked Items - 100%
Chaos Mix - 100%
Jewels Rate - 100%
All Maps Move - 100%
Chaos Castle Minium 1 Player Start - 100% 

Server Commands:

/Block setting
/Cancel block
/Chatting ban
/Cancel chatting ban
/Warp guild
/End guild
/End battle
/Start battle
/Stop battle
/Time left
/Battle Soccer
/Connection status
/Kundun Status
/Kundun recovery time

Gameserver Crash Fixed:


Client Changes:

95% translated English
T - 100% fixed
Text.bmd - 99% English 

Map Moves:

Stadium - 100%
Lorencia - 100%
Noria - 100%
Elbeland - 100%
Elbeland 2 - 100%
Devias - 100%
Devias 2 - 100%
Devias 3 - 100%
Devias 4 - 100%
Dungeon - 100%
Dungeon 2 - 100%
Dungeon 3 - 100%
Atlans - 100%
Atlans 2 - 100%
Atlans 3 - 100%
Lost Tower - 100%
Lost Tower 2 - 100%
Lost Tower 3 - 100%
Lost Tower 4 - 100%
Lost Tower 5 - 100%
Lost Tower 6 - 100%
Lost Tower 7 - 100%
Tarkan - 100%
Tarkan 2 - 100%
Icarus - 100%
Aida - 100%
Aida 2 - 100%
Crywolf - 100%
Raklion - 100%
Kantru - 100%
Kantru 2 - 100%
Kantru 3 - 100%
Swamp Of Peace - 100%
Vulcanus - 100% .

VER: 10.03.43 (Advanced Package Only) :

. [BotPet] Cant Trade or Party With inform ADD
. [ChaosCard] WPE Injection FIX
. [Server] Option added for show/unshow when gages go to max
. [TradeMix] Little bugs FIX
. [Skill] Some Skills effects attack Cannon Tower by higher rates FIX
. [BotPet] New feature BotPet only for VIPs
. [Party] SCFMaxPartyLevelDiferense Option Added
. [Server] T Bug Final Fix
. [Character] Added options for MagicAttack

! MFS Team Season 5 Server Files Working On: !:
*Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bits, Windows XP SP3 , Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits and Windows XP SP2 !

Client Info:
Version: 1.07.01
Serial: Mfsteamforeverrr
Fixed Create Character

Server Files:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download
LINK 3: Download

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- Plasma32
- Tomatoes
- Diablo
- Fuente: | Câu L?c B? Games & IT |

Run 2 Servers On 1 PC

Run 2 servers (high rate and low rate) in single computer and clients can access both servers with same client and account but with different characters.


1. GS / GSCS has an option for Account and Character Database selection.
2. Hexeditor
3. You already have a working server or you already know how to setup the server.

Database Connectivity

   1. Create database for account and in this case lets choose Me_MuOnline, you can restore from the normal muonline database backup.
   2. Create database for lowrate server: MuOnline
   3. Create database for highrate server: MuOnline2
   4. Create and ODBC for MuOnline2.

Server 1 (lowrate)

   1. Configure GS/GSCS to use Me_MuOnline for account db and MuOnline for character db.

Server 2 (highrate)

   1. Hex EXDB and change all MuOnline to MuOnline2.
   2. Hex Dataserver1 and change MuOnline to MuOnline2, just make a copy for the second Dataserver if you will use backup. ( delete dataserver.dat if there is, it will give an error upon starting but you can safely ignore it.)
   3. Configure GS/GSCS to use Me_MuOnline for account db and MuOnline2 for character db.

Server Shortcuts(starter) // most of the tricks are here

    * Common

   1. Run Joinserver, Event Server and Ranking Server as default.

    * Server1 (lowrate)

   1. Dataserver1 - path to file\dataserver.exe 55960 1
   2. Dataserver2 - path to file\dataserver.exe 55962 2
   3. Exdb - path to file\exdb.exe WAN_IP
   4. Chatserver - path to file\chatserver.exe WAN_IP
   5. GS - path to file\gameserver.exe 55970 55960 55901
   6. GSCS - path to file\gameserverCS.exe 55970 55960 55919

    * Server2 (highrate)

   1. Dataserver1 - path to file\dataserver.exe 55964 1
   2. Dataserver2 - path to file\dataserver.exe 55966 2
   3. Exdb - path to file\Exdb.exe 55915 //we need to run server2 exdb in other port
   4. GS - path to file\gameserver.exe 55970 55964 55921 55966 55915 //all in one line.
   5. GSCS - path to file\gameserverCS.exe 55970 55964 55939 55966 55915 //all in one line.

* Server2 GS/GSCS Color Legends: Green - Joinserver, Blue - Dataserver1, Brown - Gameserver port, Pink - Dataserver2, Orange - Exdb

Connect Server // server lists:

0  "GSL" "WAN_IP" 55901 "SHOW"
19  "GSCSL" "WAN_IP" 55919 "HIDE"
20  "GSH" "WAN_IP" 55921 "SHOW"
39 "GSCSH" "WAN_IP" 55939 "HIDE"

***Note: The chat server cannot run for both servers. In this case it runs only for server1.

- phit666

1. Download hex editor
2. Open game server in hex
3. Find ".att"
4. After .att add map 38 (kuntru)
5. Save. You have new map now

Now Open Install/index.php-->>>

There you Change:

$webshop['mssq']['host'] = ''; // Server Address (Host\ip)
$webshop['mssq']['user'] = 'sa'; // Username used for a connection
$webshop['mssq']['pass'] = 'password'; // Username's password
$webshop['mssq']['db'] = 'MuOnline'; // Database name
$webshop['mssq']['dbacc'] = 'MuOnline'; // If you are using 6databases - set this to 'Me_MuOnline' or whatever your account database is named. (v0.4)
$webshop['mssq']['use_md5'] = false; // Use md5 encrypted passwords (true/false)

$webshop['globalmsg']['jsip'] = 'Your IP'; // Your Global IP
$webshop['globalmsg']['jsport'] = '55970'; // Don't change this

And for Admin acc change:
$webshop['misc']['admins'] = 'myAdminAccount';

After all of those Open:
This will install the webshop SQL DB's

If Everything is OK open http://yourwebsite/Webshop/


(4 replies, posted in Website releases)

WebShop 0.9C - This is the latest version with improved security

 + A secure environment

 + A clean, tidy, understandable and easy to edit config.

 + Compatibility with both 2db and 6db mu versions

 + Login and Logout system (md5 and non md5)

 + Warehouse viewer, detailed item information

 + Clear but nice interface

 + Reset shop

 + Stats shop

 + Change class shop

 + Item thumbnails (can be turned on/off)

 + Item list

 + Vip User subscriptions

 + Item creator

 + Item remover

 + Language system

 + Item Settings -> Free Space Locator -> Item Adding

 + Item administration (full)

 + BuyLog for the administrator + search function

 + User credit Administration (adder/remover/viewer)

 + Zen Casino

 + Zen Shop

 + Vip Server subscriptions, prune expired for admins

 + Vip User subscriptions + vip levels

 + Credit Casino

 + Administrator item trackdown - search by serial

 + Buy character's freedom (unban for credits)

 + List of the top credited accounts

 + Item Table [WebShop] export

 + Item resell function (Refund)

 + Global announcement for credits (Shoutout to Sandbird)

 + IpBlock System (all four (ipv4) class support)

 + Character name change

 + Guild mark change + preview

 + User vault viewer (admin)

 + Multiple Items adder+manager (groups)

 + User feedback

***How to install WebShop: HEAR

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- Savoy

How to add new items to your MU Online server:


1. Download MuTools from 1.04x Download
2. By means of editor open Item.bmd , now you see this ...


Now write name and option def. , damage , your Item ...
Example: 26<<<|FIUZ SWORD 1 128 12 56 0 .........
All save.


Open Item.txt , now you see this

Insert all options which you has entered in Item.bmd
Example: 26<<<|FIUZ SWORD 1 128 12 56 0 .........
All save.


1. Change limit Item in main
2. Open OllyDBG >>> By means of Olly open main and search this offset 0062D7E2 <<< This offset on swords only in main 1.04J , in different mains different offsets , so will have to search . . .
1.04X = 005E72D1
3. After you have found this offset you will see it


CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4],11 <<< Change limit items ( 11 >>> 50 )
All save. ( Copy to executable >>> Selection and save )


Add in client .bmd and .ojz textures
we take FIUZSWORD.bmd and FIUZSWORDGREEN.OZJ, we rename FIUZ.bmd on Sword27, FIUZSWORDGREEN.OZJ and it is left... You Pay attention to a picture added a thing at number 26, in the client it is necessary to put on 1 number more...

All Credits:
- Fiuz
- Gembrid
- RZ

This is the PHP code for Castle Siege  Information (ENGLISH)

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download


(0 replies, posted in Tools)

Mu Proxy 1.2 - Dark Edition.

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download


(0 replies, posted in Website releases)

This is  verison (v.08) of WebShop

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- Savoy (S-y)


(19 replies, posted in Server Releases)



(3 replies, posted in Server Releases)

[BrCF] Season 5 Free GameServer Dev
This project is quite stable.


//         //
//      [Brazil CodeFactor]      //
//      Season 5 GameServer      //
//    Data Folder by Ema Leto    //
// GameServer Coded by: Mr.MariN //

Season 3 Episode 1:
-> Level 3 Classes
-> Level 3 Quests
-> Level 3 Wings
-> Illusion Temple
-> New Shops
-> Transformation Rings
-> Master Level Events
Season 3 Episode 2:
-> Skill Tree
-> Summoner 
-> Pets
Season 4.0/4.5:
-> Christmas Event
-> Skill Tree [Parte Season4]
-> Skills Season 4
-> Socket System

BrCF DLL v1.00.00:
Season 3 Episode 1:
-> [WebZen] PCPointShop [100%]
Season 4.6:
-> [WebZen] Moss Merchant [100%]
-> [WebZen] Duel System [20%]
Season 5.0:
-> [WebZen] Double Goer [99%] [No interface]
-> [WebZen] Imperial Guardian Fort [20%]

BrCF DLL v1.00.01:
Season 5.0:
-> Fixes/Changes:
---> [Custom] EventItemBagEx format changed.
---> [Custom] MonsterSetBaseEx - monster limit added [60 monstros].
---> [Custom] EventItemBagEx - item limit added [30 itens].
---> [Custom] Double Goer tottaly deleted from the DLL.

BrCF DLL v1.00.02:
Season 5.0:
-> [WebZen] Double Goer [100%]

BrCF DLL v1.00.03
-> [Custom] MonsterSetBaseEx - monster limit changed [100 monstros]
-> [WebZen] Duel System [100%]

BrCF DLL v1.00.04
-> [Custom] Notice System added [Up to 20 notices with 4 lines each] [100%]
-> [WebZen] Suspicious Merchant Moss [Identical to WebZen one] [100%]

BrCF DLL v1.00.05
-> [Custom] Jewel Rate totally remade inside the DLL.
-> [Custom] GameMaster Manager System added (not usefull up to the momment).
-> [WebZen] DoubleGoer:
---> Golden Compensation Chest item rate configuration added.
---> Golden Compensation Chest appears where the IceWalker Boss dies.
---> Distance Calculos changed (now the radar is more accurate).
---> Chests now shows an "opening" effect when you click them.
-> [WebZen] Duel System:
---> Player is moved to Vulcanus when event ends.
---> Spectator is moved to Vulcanus when event ends.

BrCF DLL v1.00.06
-> [WebZen] +15 Item Support:
---> +14 Item Chaos Mix [100%]
------> Mix Price [Identical To Original]
------> Mix Rate [Identical to Original]
---> +15 Item Chaos Mix [100%]
------> Mix Price [Identical To Original]
------> Mix Rate [Identical to Original]
---> +14/+15 Items don't disappear on Login.
---> BUG: The item Durability formula is wrong, already fixing! ^^
-> [WebZen] Panda Pet:
---> In-Game Visual Fix [100%]
---> Select Screen Visual Fix [100%]
-> [WebZen] Skeleton Pet:
---> In-Game Visual Fix [100%]
---> Select Screen Visual Fix [100%]
-> [WebZen] Double Goer:
---> [Fixed] The Chests keeps droping the items.

BrCF DLL v1.00.07
-> [WebZen] +14/+15 Item:
---> +13/+14 Item In-Game appears as +15 [Fixed]
---> +15 Items in Char Select Screen appears as +13 [Fixed]
-> [WebZen] Level 3 Wings:
---> Summoner Level 3 Wings Select Screen Visual Bug [Fixed]
-> [WebZen] Duel System:
---> Spectators stay in the Duel Arena after duel [Fixed]
-> [Custom] Commands:
---> Command Manager Added (Commands.txt)
---> [Post] command
---> [Add] command
--->[list] command
---> [Skin] command
---> [Info] command
---> [PkClear] command

BrCF DLL v1.01.00 [GS]
-> [WebZen] PVP Damage dos not appear [Fixed]
-> [WebZen] +14/+15 Items:
---> Defense rate formula [Fixed]
---> Durability formula [Fixed]
-> [Custom] Configs:
---> Personal ID On/Off
---> Transformation Rings
---> Summoning Orbs
---> Jewel Prices
---> Party Experience
---> Level Up Points
-> [Custom] Fixes:
---> Party Zen Bug
---> Potion Bug [255]
---> Crash Dump Log Creation
---> Monster Skill Limit
---> Monster AI Element Limit
---> Speed Hack Disconnect Error
---> Hack Check Stuck Error
---> HackTool Disconnect Error
---> Teleport Skill Error
---> PCPointShop Crash Error
---> DL/MG Character Creation

Version: 1.07.07 (1.07G Test)
Serial: - k5lEopal93udns8h
IP: connect.muonline.co.kr
!!! Don't forget to update the Commonloc.cfg!
*** The GameServer is KOR protocol Only, you may use any client before the MU Blue Wave, these ones have PCPointShop, or you can use 1.07G modified client:


MuServer Base:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

GameServer Data Folder:
(by Ema Leto)
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

DLL v1.01.00:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

LINK 1: Download

Cracked and Fixed Main:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Client Patch:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

- Mr.MariN for cracking;
- Chris for the Fix guide.