Topic: C1/C2/C3/C4 Packet Enc/Dec Source [C++]

Packet enc/dec source

Decryption: wad <>
Decryption reverse engineering: Evolver <>



#include <memory.h>

#define MU_PACKET( buf_ptr) (muPacket*)buf_ptr
#define MU_REFPKT( pkt_ptr) (*pkt_ptr)

class muPacket {
// ...
muPacket() {
// ...
~muPacket() {
// ...
inline unsigned char* packet() {
return ((unsigned char*)this);
// ...
inline unsigned char& packet( unsigned short i) {
return ((unsigned char*)this);
// ...
inline void packet( void* out_buf, unsigned short offset, unsigned short bytes) {
memcpy( out_buf, &this->packet()[offset], bytes);
// ...
inline unsigned char hdr() {
return this->packet()[0];
// ...
unsigned short size() {
unsigned char* buf =(unsigned char*)this;
if( buf[0] ==0xC1 || buf[0] ==0xC3)
return (unsigned short)buf[1];
else if( buf[0] ==0xC2 || buf[0] ==0xC4)
return (((unsigned short)buf[1] << 8) | (unsigned short)buf[2]);
// shouldn't occur
return 0;
// ...
inline unsigned char *contents() {
return &(this->packet()[this->hdrSize()]);
// ...
inline unsigned char& contents( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet()[this->hdrSize()+i];
// ...
inline void contents( void* out_buf, unsigned short offset, unsigned short bytes) {
memcpy( out_buf, &(this->contents()[offset]), bytes);
// ...
inline unsigned short contentSize() {
return( this->size() -this->hdrSize());
// ...
inline unsigned char opc() {
return( this->operator()( 0));
// ...
unsigned char hdrSize() {
unsigned char* buf =(unsigned char*)this;
if( buf[0] ==0xC1 || buf[0] ==0xC3)
return 2;
else if( buf[0] ==0xC2 || buf[0] ==0xC4)
return 3;
// shouldn't occur
return 0;
public:// operators
// iterates whole packet
inline unsigned char& operator[]( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet();
// iterates contents
inline unsigned char& operator()( unsigned short i) {
return this->packet()[i +this->hdrSize()];
// returns pointer to packet
inline operator unsigned char*() {
return this->packet();

// checks whether the given packet is valid
bool IsMuPacketValid( unsigned char *ptr, unsigned short len);



#include "mu_packet.h"

// checks whether the given packet is valid
bool IsMuPacketValid( unsigned char *ptr, unsigned short len) {
if( len < 3) return false;
if( ptr[0] == 0xC1 || ptr[0] == 0xC3)
return ( ptr[1] == len);
else if (ptr[0] == 0xC2 || ptr[0] == 0xC4) {
unsigned short inlen =(unsigned short)ptr[1] << 8 | (unsigned short)ptr[2];
return ( inlen == len);
} else
return false;


* Mu Protocol Decryption algorythm fetched from gs by wad. Special thanks.
* Author: Evolver
* Modifications:
* Integrated encryption algorhythm basing on decryption algorhythm by wad. (Evolver)
* Prepared and tested code (Evolver)


#include "mu_packet.h"

enum MuReadEncfileResult_t {
MuReadEncfile_InvalidPath =0,
MuReadEncfile_FileCorrupted =1,
MuReadEncfile_Success =2

// this algorythm uses dec data in this order:
// enc client->server (Dec1.dat)
// dec client->server (Dec1.dat)
// enc server->client (Dec2.dat)
// dec server->client (Dec2.dat)

// reads encryption file
MuReadEncfileResult_t MuReadEncfile( char *file, unsigned int* out_dat );
// decrypts login/passwod, and also used to decrypt login and password,
// Terrain*.att files in client-side Data/World*/, bmd files
void MuXor3Byte( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len);
// encode c1/c2 packet
extern void MU_EncodeC1C2( muPacket* packet);
// decode c1/c2 packet
extern void MU_DecodeC1C2( muPacket* packet);
// encode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_EncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char enc_key);
// decode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_DecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char* dec_key);
// returns space in bytes, required to fit the encrypted packet to c3/c4
extern unsigned short MuPacketEncSpace( muPacket* pkt);
// returns space in bytes, required to fit the decrypted packet from c3/c4
extern unsigned short MuPacketDecSpace( muPacket* pkt);



* Mu Protocol Decryption algorythm fetched from gs by wad. Special thanks.
* Author: Evolver
* Modifications:
* Integrated encryption algorhythm basing on decryption algorhythm by wad. (Evolver)
* Prepared and tested code (Evolver)

#include "mu_encdec.h"
#include "mu_packet.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <cstdio>

// MuError.log
const static unsigned int xor_tab_muerror[4] = {
0x9F81BD7C, 0x56E2933D, 0x3ED2732A, 0xBF9583F2
// used to decrypt login and password, Terrain*.att files in
// client-side Data/World*/
const static unsigned char xor_table_3byte[3] = {
0xFC, 0xCF, 0xAB
// used to decrypt client-side Data/Enc1.dat and Data/Dec2.Dat
const unsigned int xor_tab_datfile[4] = {
0x3F08A79B, 0xE25CC287, 0x93D27AB9, 0x20DEA7BF
// used to decrypt C1/C2 packets
const unsigned char xor_tab_C1C2[32] = {
0xE7, 0x6D, 0x3A, 0x89, 0xBC, 0xB2, 0x9F, 0x73,
0x23, 0xA8, 0xFE, 0xB6, 0x49, 0x5D, 0x39, 0x5D,
0x8A, 0xCB, 0x63, 0x8D, 0xEA, 0x7D, 0x2B, 0x5F,
0xC3, 0xB1, 0xE9, 0x83, 0x29, 0x51, 0xE8, 0x56
// decrypts login/passwod, and also used to decrypt login and password,
// Terrain*.att files in client-side Data/World*/
void MuXor3Byte( unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
ptr ^= xor_table_3byte[i%3];
// ...
void ShiftRight(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len, unsigned int shift) {
if (shift == 0) return;
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
*ptr = (*ptr << shift) | (*(ptr+1) >> (8 - shift));
*ptr <<= shift;
// ...
void ShiftLeft(unsigned char* ptr, unsigned int len, unsigned int shift) {
if (shift == 0) return;
ptr +=len -1;
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
*ptr = (*ptr >> shift) | (*(ptr-1) << (8 - shift));
*ptr >>= shift;
// ...
unsigned int ShiftBytes(unsigned char* buf, unsigned int arg_4, unsigned char* pkt, unsigned int arg_C, unsigned int arg_10) {
unsigned int size_ = ((((arg_10 + arg_C) - 1) / 8) + (1 - (arg_C / 8)));
unsigned char tmp1[20] ={ 0 };
memcpy( tmp1, &pkt[arg_C /8], size_);
unsigned int var_4 = (arg_10 + arg_C) & 0x7;
if (var_4) tmp1[size_ - 1] &= 0xFF << (8 - var_4);
arg_C &= 0x7;
ShiftRight(tmp1, size_, arg_C);
ShiftLeft(tmp1, size_ + 1, arg_4 & 0x7);
if ((arg_4 & 0x7) > arg_C)
for( unsigned int i =0; i < size_; ++i)
buf[i+(arg_4/8)] |=tmp1;
return arg_10 + arg_4;
// ...
void Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned char* pktptr, unsigned int num_bytes, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
unsigned char finale[2];
finale[0] =(unsigned char)num_bytes;
finale[0] ^= 0x3D;
finale[1] =0xF8;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
finale[1] ^= pktptr[k];
finale[0] ^= finale[1];
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x48, finale, 0x00, 0x10);
unsigned int ring[4] ={ 0x000000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 };
unsigned short* cryptbuf =(unsigned short*)pktptr;
ring[0] =((dec_dat[ 8] ^(cryptbuf[0])) *dec_dat[ 4]) %dec_dat[ 0];
ring[1] =((dec_dat[ 9] ^(cryptbuf[1] ^(ring[0] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 5]) %dec_dat[ 1];
ring[2] =((dec_dat[10] ^(cryptbuf[2] ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 6]) %dec_dat[ 2];
ring[3] =((dec_dat[11] ^(cryptbuf[3] ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF))) *dec_dat[ 7]) %dec_dat[ 3];
unsigned int ring_backup[4] ={ ring[0], ring[1], ring[2], ring[3] };
ring[2] =ring[2] ^dec_dat[10] ^(ring_backup[3] &0xFFFF);
ring[1] =ring[1] ^dec_dat[ 9] ^(ring_backup[2] &0xFFFF);
ring[0] =ring[0] ^dec_dat[ 8] ^(ring_backup[1] &0xFFFF);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x00, (unsigned char*)(&ring[0]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x10, (unsigned char*)(&ring[0]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x12, (unsigned char*)(&ring[1]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x22, (unsigned char*)(&ring[1]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x24, (unsigned char*)(&ring[2]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x34, (unsigned char*)(&ring[2]), 0x16, 0x02);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x36, (unsigned char*)(&ring[3]), 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes( outbuf, 0x46, (unsigned char*)(&ring[3]), 0x16, 0x02);
// ...
int Decode11BytesTo8Bytes( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned char* pktptr, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
unsigned int ring[4] ={ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 };
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[0], 0x00, pktptr, 0x00, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[0], 0x16, pktptr, 0x10, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[1], 0x00, pktptr, 0x12, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[1], 0x16, pktptr, 0x22, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[2], 0x00, pktptr, 0x24, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[2], 0x16, pktptr, 0x34, 0x02);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[3], 0x00, pktptr, 0x36, 0x10);
ShiftBytes((unsigned char*)&ring[3], 0x16, pktptr, 0x46, 0x02);
ring[2] =ring[2] ^dec_dat[10] ^(ring[3] &0xFFFF);
ring[1] =ring[1] ^dec_dat[ 9] ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF);
ring[0] =ring[0] ^dec_dat[ 8] ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF);
unsigned short* cryptbuf =(unsigned short*)outbuf;
cryptbuf[0] =dec_dat[ 8] ^((ring[0] *dec_dat[ 4]) %dec_dat[0]);
cryptbuf[1] =dec_dat[ 9] ^((ring[1] *dec_dat[ 5]) %dec_dat[1]) ^(ring[0] &0xFFFF);
cryptbuf[2] =dec_dat[10] ^((ring[2] *dec_dat[ 6]) %dec_dat[2]) ^(ring[1] &0xFFFF);
cryptbuf[3] =dec_dat[11] ^((ring[3] *dec_dat[ 7]) %dec_dat[3]) ^(ring[2] &0xFFFF);
unsigned char finale[2] ={ 0x00, 0x00 };
ShiftBytes(finale, 0, pktptr, 0x48, 0x10);
finale[0] ^= finale[1];
finale[0] ^= 0x3D;
unsigned char m = 0xF8;
for( int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
m ^= outbuf[k];
if( m ==finale[1])
return finale[0];
return -1;
// ...
inline unsigned short MuPacketEncSpace( muPacket* pkt) {
return((( pkt->contentSize() /8) +(((pkt->contentSize() %8) >0) ? 1 : 0)) *11) +pkt->hdrSize();
// ...
inline unsigned short MuPacketDecSpace( muPacket* pkt) {
return(( pkt->contentSize() /11) *8) +pkt->hdrSize() -1;
// (if C1, offset = 2), (if C2, offset = 3)
void MU_ForceEncodeC1C2( unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len, unsigned short offset =2) {
for( unsigned short p =1; p < len; ++p)
buf[p] ^= buf[p-1] ^ xor_tab_C1C2[(p+offset) %32];
// (if C1, offset = 2), (if C2, offset = 3)
void MU_ForceDecodeC1C2( unsigned char* buf, unsigned short len, unsigned short offset =2) {
for( unsigned short p =len; p > 0; --p)
buf[p] ^= buf[p-1] ^ xor_tab_C1C2[(p+offset) %32];
// encode c1/c2 packet
inline void MU_EncodeC1C2( muPacket* packet) {
MU_ForceEncodeC1C2( packet->contents(), packet->contentSize(), packet->hdrSize());
// decode c1/c2 packet
inline void MU_DecodeC1C2( muPacket* packet) {
MU_ForceDecodeC1C2( packet->contents(), packet->contentSize(), packet->hdrSize());
// encode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_ForceEncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned short* outlen, unsigned char* inbuf, unsigned short len, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
*outlen =0;
unsigned int offset =0;
for( offset =0; (offset+8) <= len; offset +=8) {
memset( outbuf, 0, 11);
Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], 8, dec_dat);
*outlen += 11;
outbuf += 11;
if ( offset < len) {
memset( outbuf, 0, 11);
Encode8BytesTo11Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], len - offset, dec_dat);
*outlen += 11;
return true;
// decode c3/c4 packet
bool MU_ForceDecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, unsigned short* outlen, unsigned char* inbuf, unsigned short len, unsigned int* dec_dat) {
if ((len % 11) != 0)
return false;// invalid size specified
*outlen = 0;
int rez =0;
for( unsigned int offset =0; offset < len; offset +=11) {
rez =Decode11BytesTo8Bytes( outbuf, &inbuf[offset], dec_dat);
if (rez <= 0)
return false;// failed to decrypt
*outlen +=(unsigned int)rez;
outbuf +=8;
return true;
// decrypt c3/c4 packet
bool MU_DecodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char* dec_key) {
unsigned char hdrSize =pkt->hdrSize();
unsigned char hdr =pkt->hdr();
unsigned short dec_size =0;
if( MU_ForceDecodeC3C4( &outbuf[hdrSize -1], &dec_size, pkt->contents(), pkt->contentSize(), dec_dat) ==false)
return false;// decryption fails
dec_size +=hdrSize -1;
*dec_key =outbuf[hdrSize -1];
outbuf[0] =hdr -2;
if( hdrSize ==2)
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)dec_size;
else {
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)((dec_size &~0x00FF) >> 8);
outbuf[2] =(unsigned char)(dec_size &~0xFF00);
return true;// decrypt success
// encrypt c3/c4 packet
bool MU_EncodeC3C4( unsigned char* outbuf, muPacket* pkt, unsigned int* dec_dat, unsigned char enc_key) {
unsigned char hdrSize =pkt->hdrSize();
unsigned char hdr =pkt->hdr();
unsigned short size =pkt->size();
unsigned char tmp =pkt->packet( hdrSize -1);
unsigned short enc_len =0;
pkt->packet( hdrSize -1) =enc_key;
bool rs =MU_ForceEncodeC3C4( &outbuf[hdrSize], &enc_len, &pkt->packet( hdrSize -1), size -hdrSize +1, dec_dat);
pkt->packet( hdrSize -1) =tmp;
if( rs ==true) {
outbuf[0] =hdr +2;
enc_len +=hdrSize;
if( hdrSize ==2)
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)enc_len;
else {
outbuf[1] =(unsigned char)((enc_len &~0x00FF) >> 8);
outbuf[2] =(unsigned char)(enc_len &~0xFF00);
return rs;
// out_dat element count = 16
MuReadEncfileResult_t MuReadEncfile( char *file, unsigned int* out_dat ) {
FILE* stream =fopen( file, "rb");
if( stream ==0)
return MuReadEncfile_InvalidPath;
fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_END);
long size =ftell( stream);
if( size !=54)
return MuReadEncfile_FileCorrupted;
fseek( stream, 6, SEEK_SET);
unsigned int buf[4];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 0] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 1] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[ 2] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[ 3] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 4] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 5] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[ 6] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[ 7] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fread( buf, 4, 4, stream);
out_dat[ 8] = buf[0] ^ xor_tab_datfile[0];
out_dat[ 9] = buf[1] ^ xor_tab_datfile[1];
out_dat[10] = buf[2] ^ xor_tab_datfile[2];
out_dat[11] = buf[3] ^ xor_tab_datfile[3];
fclose( stream);
return MuReadEncfile_Success;

LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

2 (edited by soylegal 2015-11-17 23:09:42)

Re: C1/C2/C3/C4 Packet Enc/Dec Source [C++]

Hola, como aplico ese código en mi hooking, por favor necesito su ayuda. plis
Ya lo tengo en c++ pero no tengo idea de como aplicarlo.

Re: C1/C2/C3/C4 Packet Enc/Dec Source [C++]

Victoria can help me