Topic: WebShop 0.9C
WebShop 0.9C - This is the latest version with improved security
+ A secure environment
+ A clean, tidy, understandable and easy to edit config.
+ Compatibility with both 2db and 6db mu versions
+ Login and Logout system (md5 and non md5)
+ Warehouse viewer, detailed item information
+ Clear but nice interface
+ Reset shop
+ Stats shop
+ Change class shop
+ Item thumbnails (can be turned on/off)
+ Item list
+ Vip User subscriptions
+ Item creator
+ Item remover
+ Language system
+ Item Settings -> Free Space Locator -> Item Adding
+ Item administration (full)
+ BuyLog for the administrator + search function
+ User credit Administration (adder/remover/viewer)
+ Zen Casino
+ Zen Shop
+ Vip Server subscriptions, prune expired for admins
+ Vip User subscriptions + vip levels
+ Credit Casino
+ Administrator item trackdown - search by serial
+ Buy character's freedom (unban for credits)
+ List of the top credited accounts
+ Item Table [WebShop] export
+ Item resell function (Refund)
+ Global announcement for credits (Shoutout to Sandbird)
+ IpBlock System (all four (ipv4) class support)
+ Character name change
+ Guild mark change + preview
+ User vault viewer (admin)
+ Multiple Items adder+manager (groups)
+ User feedback
***How to install WebShop: HEAR
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download
- Savoy