Topic: Light SQL Injection protection

To protect your MUWeb against the most common SQL injection attacks, place the following code in your config.php:

$time = date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A");
$fp = fopen ("D:/MuServer/[WEB]SQL_Injection.txt", "a+");

$sql_inject_1 = array(";","'","%",'"'); #Whoth need replace
$sql_inject_2 = array("", "","","&quot;"); #To wont replace
$GET_KEY = array_keys($_GET); #array keys from $_GET
$POST_KEY = array_keys($_POST); #array keys from $_POST
$COOKIE_KEY = array_keys($_COOKIE); #array keys from $_COOKIE
/*begin clear $_GET */
$real_get[$i] = $_GET[$GET_KEY[$i]];
$_GET[$GET_KEY[$i]] = str_replace($sql_inject_1, $sql_inject_2, HtmlSpecialChars($_GET[$GET_KEY[$i]]));
  if($real_get[$i] != $_GET[$GET_KEY[$i]])
  fwrite ($fp, "IP: $ip\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Method: GET\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Value: $real_get[$i]\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Script: $script\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Time: $time\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "==================================\r\n");
/*end clear $_GET */
/*begin clear $_POST */
$real_post[$i] = $_POST[$POST_KEY[$i]];
$_POST[$POST_KEY[$i]] = str_replace($sql_inject_1, $sql_inject_2, HtmlSpecialChars($_POST[$POST_KEY[$i]]));
  if($real_post[$i] != $_POST[$POST_KEY[$i]])
  fwrite ($fp, "IP: $ip\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Method: POST\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Value: $real_post[$i]\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Script: $script\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Time: $time\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "==================================\r\n");
/*end clear $_POST */
/*begin clear $_COOKIE */
$real_cookie[$i] = $_COOKIE[$COOKIE_KEY[$i]];
$_COOKIE[$COOKIE_KEY[$i]] = str_replace($sql_inject_1, $sql_inject_2, HtmlSpecialChars($_COOKIE[$COOKIE_KEY[$i]]));
  if($real_cookie[$i] != $_COOKIE[$COOKIE_KEY[$i]])
  fwrite ($fp, "IP: $ip\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Method: COOKIE\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Value: $real_cookie[$i]\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Script: $script\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "Time: $time\r\n");
  fwrite ($fp, "==================================\r\n");

/*end clear $_COOKIE */
fclose ($fp);

Note! : don't forget to change the location of the log file, on line 5,  according to your installation.