Topic: LEGANCY-MU.EU Season 3 Episode 1
Hello Mu Online players. Today I want represent you new mu online server with version Season 3 Episode 1
Server Website:
OPEN TIME : Lithuanian time : 20:30
Polish time : 19:30
Server has VIP system that without vip your stats will go little bit down every month with VIP status your stats will keep the same and will not go down!
Server information
Server Name: Legancy-Mu
Server Version: Season 3 Episode 1
Experience 4500x
Drop: 45%
Max Level: 400
Reset Level: 400
Max Stats: 32767
Max Zen Limit: 2000000000
Grand Reset Need: 25 Resets (for 2 days)
Grand Reset Reward: 500 Credits
Guild Create Level: 250 Level
Points for Level: 7 | 5 | 5