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GeMINI69 wrote:i also have errors in GS it says
" LOGIN server connect FAIL "
then GS goes blank
thanks ,,,,
i think you try to change ip and chage to your local ip...all ip change in you local ip....i try it...its work but its dont have season4 exc item- only socket---no quest in 3rd....but you can edit all characters in mumaker..but the map barracks and crywold and deep loren and refuge is doesnt work.....sorry for my bad english..
please change the ip with dots.example 193.153.586.564 and put the password of sql server::example (sa) this is default account.....then your password...
C:\ or D:\ muserver\Data\Cashshop\Cashshop option
C:\ or D:\ muserver\Data\Cashshop\Config.ini
and Also in
C:\muserver\Cashshop\Cashop Option
and configs.ini
..i think this is the way to fix your problem----__-----
Tabela MEMB_INFO >> Botão Direito na linha >>memb_guid>> desmarque Set Primary key
Tabela MEMB_INFO >> la linea >>sno__numb>>char>> 18 >> Destildado(como muestra la imag)
anyone who can translate this in english????help me!!!thanks... to release !!! third quest..because dont have barracks map and refuge...FIX IT!!!!!!!!and no loren deep..please make update...client files and server files....thanks more power.....MFSTEAM
Added 65k support!!
Added /status command!!
Fixed a lot of crashes and DCs
Updated files:
These files are Season 4 FULL with support to the new Season 5 Client.
Recommended client --> 1.06D+ from mukorea...
All events 100%
Socket System 100%
Summoner 100%
Season 4 skills 100%
Custom Console
Protocol switch on file ENCCustoms.ini (KOR,ENG,JPN,CHS)
Season 5 switch on file ENCCustoms.ini
Custom commands (/post,/add,/pkclear,/gg,/drop,/reloadini,/status)
and much more...
What not work?
Moss merchant
New Duel System (working on it)
Season 5 Maps (working on it)
All the custom configs are in ENCData Folder!!
Server Files (5.9 MB):
Link 1: … _1620.html
Client (189.6 MB):
Link 1: … Patch.html
!!! UPDATE - Server Files!!!
Fixed /add bug
and GSCS added!
Special credits for the release goes to:
- Zemattana (ENCTeam coder and owner)
HOW TO MAKE ACCOUNT??????i try many MuMaker!!!!CAN YOU UplOAD..PLEASE!!!!!!!!
ENCTeam Season 5 Server Files + Multi Protocol + Customs (GS .87) NEW
how to create account in this server files^????HELP ME PLease
...approved....thanks for release... but how to create a character...can you upload mucharacter creator and muitems creator for newbie...thanks...
nice release....this muserver and mu client is english version?working
hey this account creator for all version?
Anyone help me...were i can create my account..???im newbie help me please....give me link please
i need main..fix ....NoName upload new main!!!Thanks for release big Help!!
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