* New version 99b+

* Official start [28.03.2013, 21:20 pm.]

* Now One hour in Arena gives you (50) credits for WebShop
* Now Every new player will receive (1500) Free credits on skype: vr-support
* Now You start with (50 000 000) Zen
* Now You start with (1000) Points
* Now You can Vote for us and Make up to (210) credits every 12 hours

Now Mana shild bug is (Fix)

Now Every new player will receive (1500) Free credits on skype: vr-support

[EN] Server official start is: 27.02.2013 at 19:00h
[БГ] Официален старт на сървъра: 27.02.2013 от 19:00

Website: www.vr-servers.org

-Name: .:Vratza-Mu:. Easy
-Version: 97d+99i + Marry & Quest System!
-Exp: 9999x
-Drop: 99%
-Monster HP: 100%
-Number of Servers: 1 - Pvp
-Number of Servers: 2 - Non Pvp (soon)
-Price for murder: x10M
-Standard Reset: 999
-Reset after level: 300
-Price for Reset: 20M on reset
-Bonus points for Reset:
-Main Heroes: 2000
-[All items, skills and points are save after reset!]
-Items to a level: +11
-Add option to: +28
-Bless Bug: Oн
-Zen Bug: OFF
[Mana Shield Formula]
-Mana Shield max: 80%
-For Each 630 agg: 1%
-For Each 905 eng: 1%
-For Each 525 eng: 1sec
Look and Level Points
[Class 1]
-Dark Wizard: 10
-Dark Knight: 10
-Elf: 10
[Class 2]
-Soul Master: 10
-Blade Knight: 10
-Muse Elf: 10
-Magic Gladiator: 10
-Quest for class 2 after level: 150
[Jewel's Success Rate]
-Jewel of Soul= 95%
-Jewel of Soul+L= 100%
-Jewel of Bless= 100%
-Jewel of Life= 95%
[Chaos Machine Rate]
+10 = 90%(100%+L)
+11 = 90%(100%+L)
[Wings Success Rate]
-1 Level Wings = 100%
-2 Level Wings = 100%
Lorencia, Noria, Davias, Dungeons, Lost Towers, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Stadium, Arena, Devil Square, Blood Castle,
Bles,Soul,Chaos,Life,Wings,Box 1,2,3,4,5
Happy Hour, Party Exp Bonus, Sky Event,Devil Square, Blood Castle
/post , /addstr , /addagi , /addvit , /addene , /exit , /marry , /acceptmarry , /tracemarry , /divorce , /marrystatus , /buy , /sell , /clearinventory , /skin , /evo , /time , /online .

Website: www.vr-servers.org