Topic: [AD] Vratza-Mu 97d+99i Easy with Marry and Quest System
[EN] Server official start is: 27.02.2013 at 19:00h
[БГ] Официален старт на сървъра: 27.02.2013 от 19:00
-Name: .:Vratza-Mu:. Easy
-Version: 97d+99i + Marry & Quest System!
-Exp: 9999x
-Drop: 99%
-Monster HP: 100%
-Number of Servers: 1 - Pvp
-Number of Servers: 2 - Non Pvp (soon)
-Price for murder: x10M
-Standard Reset: 999
-Reset after level: 300
-Price for Reset: 20M on reset
-Bonus points for Reset:
-Main Heroes: 2000
-[All items, skills and points are save after reset!]
-Items to a level: +11
-Add option to: +28
-Bless Bug: Oн
-Zen Bug: OFF
[Mana Shield Formula]
-Mana Shield max: 80%
-For Each 630 agg: 1%
-For Each 905 eng: 1%
-For Each 525 eng: 1sec
Look and Level Points
[Class 1]
-Dark Wizard: 10
-Dark Knight: 10
-Elf: 10
[Class 2]
-Soul Master: 10
-Blade Knight: 10
-Muse Elf: 10
-Magic Gladiator: 10
-Quest for class 2 after level: 150
[Jewel's Success Rate]
-Jewel of Soul= 95%
-Jewel of Soul+L= 100%
-Jewel of Bless= 100%
-Jewel of Life= 95%
[Chaos Machine Rate]
+10 = 90%(100%+L)
+11 = 90%(100%+L)
[Wings Success Rate]
-1 Level Wings = 100%
-2 Level Wings = 100%
Lorencia, Noria, Davias, Dungeons, Lost Towers, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Stadium, Arena, Devil Square, Blood Castle,
Bles,Soul,Chaos,Life,Wings,Box 1,2,3,4,5
Happy Hour, Party Exp Bonus, Sky Event,Devil Square, Blood Castle
/post , /addstr , /addagi , /addvit , /addene , /exit , /marry , /acceptmarry , /tracemarry , /divorce , /marrystatus , /buy , /sell , /clearinventory , /skin , /evo , /time , /online .