1 (edited by Victoria 2009-10-08 18:43:02)

Topic: MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

Specifications Panel [Show the Login]:
How-Online: [Your Login]
-Account Type: [If your account is FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Maturity: [FREE = No Expire! , VIP / S.VIP = Date and Time]


Available Options Panel:

-Reset ............... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Resetão ............... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
Distribute-Points .... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Change Password ........ [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
Clear-Pk ............. [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Change Nick ........... [VIP / S. VIP]
Vip-Map .............. [VIP / S. VIP]
Teleport-............ [VIP / S. VIP]
Points-Desbugear .... [VIP / S. VIP]
Bau-Change ............ [VIP / S. VIP]
Class-Change ......... [S. VIP]
Inventory-Reset .. [S. VIP]
Reset-Bau ........... [S. VIP]
Zen-Desbugear ....... [S. VIP]

Specifications Panel Administration:

- Unban Char ............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- Ban Char .................. [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Chars Banned ........ [Administrator / Game Master]
- Unban Account ......... [Administrator / Game Master]
- Ban Account .............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Accounts Banned ....... [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add Items ............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add VIP ................ [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add VIP Master ...... [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Data Char ............ [Administrator]
- View Account Information ....... [Administrator] - [No Link Set]
- Edit Account ............. [Administrator] - [Fixed]
- Edit Char .................. [Administrator] - [Fixed]
- Delete Account ........... [Administrator]
- Delete Chars .............. [Administrator]
- Remove Vip ................... [Administrator]
- Change Time Facilities ......... [Administrator]

Some of the things you need on the web:

Search and Char-Guild (SHOW GuildMark)
Time-DS, CC, BC
-Options Panel
Recover-Password (No Bug Do OPERA)
Multi-Admin News
GM-Control Panel In-Common
-Quick News
-Quick links
-Resets working normally by the panel
Change-bau included and editable in conf_funcoes
-Index with all local images
-Picture Folder with all
Was rebuilt INDEX AND NOW 97% OF WEB is formed within the PASTA CONFIGS.

To Add ADM ou GM run this query:

SET contagm=('2') /* 2 = ADM or 1 = GM */
WHERE memb___id =('login') /*login*/

WebVirtua 2.2:
Link 1: http://www.2shared.com/file/8303337/3b2 … tua22.html

DarkADM - Layout used as ORIGINAL BASE
Fabricionaweb - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 90%
Crazy - Main Base and Scripts.
Ramonvic - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 99.9% and add something.
SIKK - Banners
Malex - Various Updates functional and useful.
Muhero - Adding new functions to the main menu.
Leandro Daldegan - set the Edit Account and Char.
Other - Several other places, where they were caught scripts and tips.

Raphael Varela (raphael89) - Changed the layout entirely, added functions and fixed some functions added by romonvic, tutorial correct installation of AppServer, among others.

Re: MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

The link si broken !!! remplace pls

Sorry for my bad lang !

Re: MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

New Links:
LINK 1: Download
LINK 2: Download

Re: MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

how to change language on this website?

Re: MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2

GoldbertGTR wrote:

how to change language on this website?

translate it