Topic: AD EagleWorld Exp 200x Drop 50 Start 14/01/2017 20:00 GMT/UTC+1


Why EagleWorld?

We're 2 guys from Poland and we've been playing MuOnline for over 10 years now. Our server is created by gamers for gamers. We've been playing MuOnline since the very first versions have been released and we did our best to provide the best gaming experience combined with stable and secure gameplay to bring back the great old-school Global MuOnline atmosphere and move it on our server!

Why Fresh Database?

After few months from launching our EagleWorld server we want to announce the re-opening which should take place in around 2-4 weeks. We will provide an exact date of opening soon. You might be asking why we are re-opening that one - the reason is simple - we analyzed all the pros and cons of our last launch, we have been talking with people playing on our server, noted all the positive and negative features of it. Many people were arguing that our PVP system was just not just like they imagined that, so we brought back the original PVP system - without any changes. As we were receiving the feedback - you liked our custom excellents drop rate, so we didn't make any changes in those - the only thing that will be changed is goldens drop. Apart from the listed changes the biggest change will be an exp change. We are open to hear suggestions and your thoughts about the server and it's config. We are not giving up and we are bringing back the EagleWorld soon smile.


Official start date:
20:00 UTC/GMT +1
Now you can play and test our new project.

Server settings:

Exp: 200X
Master Exp: 5X
Drop: 50%
Party exp bonus normal: Up to 25%
Party exp bonus special: Up to 50%
Points per Reset
All characters 100points
Reset limit: 100
Grand Reset limit : 10
Max Stats : 10,000
Spots: Global like (respawn 2x faster)
Points per level: 5/7
Bless bug: Off
Guild creation level: 220
MG/DL/Summoner/RF Creation: 220/250/0/250
Elf buff: Until 250lvl
Helper: 80+ lvl
Chaos Machine: Global like
Monster HP: Global like (bosses extended)


/addene, /addagi, /addstr, /addvit, /addcmd, /post, /pkclear


Blood castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, Kanturu Event, Dragon Invasion, White Wizard, Skeleton Invasion, Duel system, Crywolf, Imperial guardian, Double goer, Raklion, Castle siege, Swamp Event, Loren Deep.

Boss Drops

White Wizard

10 x m1SgJUU.jpg

Blood Castle

Normal Level
1 x  YBl4JCB.jpg

Master Level
1 x Cjh40Qj.jpg?1

Skeleton Invasion

2 x GhW0pxn.jpg

Dragon Invasion

10 x AZlaWPK.jpg

Chaos Castle

1 Random Pack of Jewels
25 % Chance of Drop Ancient Item
Kanturu Event

Maya Hand

All Socket Items 0-3+3S+L


Client Features:

Ram usage reduction
All classes balanced
Max Exc Items (2 options) + Lord mix (4 options)
Original Global Drop with custom drop of Exc and Jewels.
HP bar
HP, MP, SD, AG bugs fixed
No WebShop
No X-Shop
HP stack by max 3 potions
MP stack by max 50 potions
LiveGuard AntyHack

- Goblin shop: ENABLED (5 points for 1 hour online)
- TeamSpeak 3 server for players
- Support tickets system on website
- Skype support
- TeamViewer support when issues are experienced
