Topic: MuPoseidon|6.3 IGCN|450EXP|60DROP

PoseidonMu Getting out now after a lot of work we happy to inform you about the opening PoseidonMu the best mu in the world.
you invited to sign up to us website to play on us server and sign up to us forum to get news.
if you dont understand the language in us forum you can send massage in skype to: Mu-idan and he send you news about the server in english.
in this time the server on update to give you the best gameplay we can giv you, so you need to be updated on us forum or send massage in Skype to: mu-idan and he send you massage when the updates ended.
in sunday 17/12 (Time will be published later,(in forum)) will be opening event in the server, really big event.