1 (edited by SkaarjBeatz 2015-02-14 13:56:33)

Topic: MUOnline CancelMuHard

Official Start 14.02.2015 ! 00:00/h


НЯМА ДА ИМА Уеб Магазин (WebShop)

Server info
- Server Name: .:CnLMu
- Version: 97d+99i
- Server is from : Varna,Bulgaria
- Experience: 100
- Item drop: 50%
- Monster HP: 90%
- Points per level: 5/7
- Maximum Points: 32 767
- Reset: from site
- Level reset : 350
- Resets Stats : BK:450 ELF/SM:550 MG:570
- Maximum resets: 80
- Max level: 350
- Level for create Guild : 300
- PK Clear: from site or /clearpk
Opportunities for success:
- Jewel Of Soul success: 65%
- Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 70%
- Jewel Of Life success: 60%
- Item +10 success: 70%
- Item +11 success: 65%

WebSite : http://cancelmuhard.zapto.org/

Skype for problems : gerogiev-1994