Topic: New commands:

New commands:

From GM, Admin(Game Master):
- /zen XXX (GM) => Add zen
- /invis (GM) => Makes GM invisible
- /noinvis (GM) => Disables GM invisibility
- /createitem A B C D E F G (GM) => Creates items
A = Item group (Get from Items.txt)
B = Item sub-index (Get from Items.txt)
C = Excellent option
D = Option (0 a 3)
E = Luck (0 o 1)
F = Skill (0 o 1)
G = Option (0 o 13)

From Players:
- /post {message} => Chatting
- /serverinfo => Server info , show players & gms online
- /addagi XXX => Add points to agility
- /addstr XXX => Add points to strength
- /addvit XXX => Add points to vitality
- /addcmd XXX => Add points to command
- /addene XXX => Add points to energy