Server: DataByte
Server Location: Philippines
Dedicated: Yes
4 Servers
Server1 - Non PVP
Server2- - PvP
Server3 - VIP
Server4 - Castle Siege
Version: SeasonVI Episode II
Exp: 9999x
Drop: 80%
Bless Bug: OFF
Reset Lvl: 400
Max Level: 400
Grand Reset Level Req.: 100
Reset Zen: 1m
Maximum Stats: 32767
Max Resets: 999
Jewel Success Rate
Soul(+Luck) = 85%
Soul(No Luck) = 72%
Life = 85%
Chaos Machine Mix Rate
+10 = 100%
+11 = 95%
+12 = 85%
+13 = 75%
+14 = 73%
+15 = 70%
*3D-Cam (Press F8)
*BIG MAP (Press TAB)
*574 New Cool Items
* New Events
* New DuelSystem
* +15 items Supported
* Credits supported
* Webshop Supported
* New Interface
* Marry
* Skill Tree
* Socket Option
* Gens
* PC Point
* Alquimist (Item-Mixer)
* PCPoints Shop
* Botpet
* Guild Warehouse
* Extra Warehouse (012)
*-* Etc.
* GameMaster Event
* DoubleGoer Event
* Imperial Guard Event
-Illusion Temple Event
-Green Event
-Blue Event
-Sky Event
-Boss Attack
-Happy Hour Event
-Hit and Up Event
-Raklion Event
-Moss Merchant
-XMas Event
-Green Event
-Swamp of Peace Event
-Summer Event
-Halloween PK Event
-Balgass Event (Barracks)
-Golden Invasion
-Castle Siege Event
* /ware 012
* /reset
- /pkclear
- /post
- /pkclear
- /level
- /warp
- /addstr
- /addagi
- /addvit
- /addene
- /addcmd
- /marry
- /getmarry
- /acceptmarry
- /divorce
- /forcedivorce
- /botpet create
- /botpet kill
- /botpet invoke
- /botpet status
- /botpet trade
*-* etc
- Lorencia - Noria - Elbeland 123 - Devias 13 - Losttower - Kantru Tower - Barracks - Crywolf - Arena - Kalrutan 12
- Aida 123 - Vulcanus - Raklion and many more!