OpenMu Online - About us
Server & website information.
OpenMu is a Professional Long Term Server hosted on a Dedicated Server:
- Core: Quad 4 x 2.40Ghz Processors
- 100Mbps Line
- UPS system
- Dedicated website
- Web hosting by professional hosting company.
When you play OpenMu you should know the following things:
- OpenMu is a game server of MU Online. We provide free gaming area for all MMORPG lovers.
-The game MU Online is created by WebZen
-In the website is used images & Scripts created by OpenMu Team.
-All other text files, instructions, icons are copyright to OpenMu.
-Website construction created by Bupyc and some things by Mephisto
-Security codes and modules provided by Bupyc.
OpenMu is server running since Octomber 2009.
Official website:
Game servers running over 6 months without wipe:
- Version: Season 3 Episode 1 no bugs or modifications
- 3 Game servers - 2x PVP and 1x Non-PVP.
- Experience: 999999999x
- Drops: 99%
- Box of kundun + 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 in Lorencia shop
- Daily GM events
- Unique payment methods
- Active community team
- 24/7 Online Dedicated Server
- Servers:
- Server 1 (PVP)
- Post chat on
- Server 2 (NON - PVP)
- Post chat on