[SIZE=4]Why MULANDER is unique from any other private servers?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][color="#008000"]Fast Reset[/color] [/SIZE]- no need to wait for months to make your character full stats. Earn incentives for every reset that is convertible to points.
[SIZE=3][color="#FFA500"]Crafting[/color][/SIZE] - combine items and get excellent socket items. Items needed for crafting are also easy to collect.
[SIZE=3][color="#FF0000"]PVP Balance[/color][/SIZE] - every class has its own skills that can defeat other classes.
[color="#FFD700"][SIZE=3]Market System[/SIZE][/color] - buy and sell items using cash points. Earn reputations for every successful trade.
[SIZE=3][color="#0000FF"]Skill Oriented[/color][/SIZE] - success is not achieved by spending more time but by how good the game is played.
[SIZE=3][color="#EE82EE"]Social / Fun[/color][/SIZE] - players are compelled to interact and communicate with each other.
[SIZE=4]General Server Information:[/SIZE]
Server Name: Mulander
Version: Season 8 Episode 2
Powered By: zTeam
Year Started: 2009
Database Wipe Out: None
[SIZE=4]Server Rates:[/SIZE]
Exp: 5,000
Drops: 50%
Monster HP: 100%
[SIZE=4]Server Configuration:[/SIZE]
Reset LVL: 400
Points Per Reset: 1,250
Keep Stats?: No
Reset Payment: 1,000,000 zen
Max Reset: 130
Grand Reset?: Yes
Jewels %: 75%
Machine %: 75%
[SIZE=4]Website, Forums & Downloads:[/SIZE]
Website URL: www.mulander.com
Forum URL: www.forum.mulander.com
Client URL: http://www.mulander.com/downloads/
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/MULANDERdotcom
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mulanderS6
Contact: Click Here